John 7:37

37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

Thinking on when I finish running under the sun and it was a hard run, whatever drink is available and looks good I will take it. But not all things are good for me to recover all the minerals and nutrients I lost while running. Hearing Jesus saying this, reminds me of how often whenever my heart is uneasy about something instead of looking after Him I look for whatever is available and looks find; forgetting about Him who is always available and willing to help. Past victories can make me think that I have control over circumstances and that can look after them within my own understanding. But my need for Him hasn’t lessened at all. I need to remember WHO has done everything in my life. Whatever God approves of comes first, whatever grieves Him has to go. The Lord deserves loyalty and not a selfish heart; caught up in pride won’t allow Him to come to me. I am either drawing close to God or falling away. I must humble myself, get rid of the debris in my life, and keep leaning on Him. Future is determined by seeking the Lord and not my will and life, not what it looks easy but what is correct and excellent. I can believe that He becomes the answer of my need and that He actually answers and blesses. I will find Him if I seek Him with all my heart, a heart that is not split between what I want and what He wants; it must be a honest and open heart to Him. When we dwell in Him, He stirs and renews our mind and soul into His desires; answering our petitions, but foremost, giving us life and satiating our thirst. The world and sin will only keep us in a tiring and thirsty cycle, but God pours into us life, joy, love; Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls… time to set my hope up in Him who has overcome the world and victory is found in Him. Stepping into the fullness of what He has for me. Strength and boldness arises in His Spirit. 

Don’t drink on my own understanding but give Him my desires and situations that are draining me. 


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