Luke 8:11-15

Four different types of hearts can be distinguished in Jesus’s lesson. The one who felt along the path, others felt over stones, others had to grew next to thorns and the last ones, the ones who felt in good soil. These types can relate to our hearts, because are our hearts the ones who receive the word of God. 

Sometimes hearts can be outside of Jesus, hold in the wrong place. Those are the hearts that still aren’t walking with and in Jesus. Sin is still in their lives, and the devil will do whatever he cans to drag them close to their flesh. 

Our hearts could also be joyful to receive the word of God, but Jesus is not still our anchor. People who only seek the blessings, but do not seek the God of the blessings. God only exists for them when they have needs. Someone can’t grow in God with a relationship like this. With trials and problems, their weak faith will vanish them away because they aren’t dwelled in Jesus. Roots help trees and plants to hold them up. They also gather nutrients. People without roots can be related to those who are like waves, they come and go easily by the wind(external problems, circumstances, harsh situations). 

Some hearts can be growing in Jesus, but haven’t noticed yet that there are some wrong things growing next to them. This are the ones who haven’t given it all to Jesus. They have surrendered some parts to dreams or desires. For them this things are “valuable”, but the truth is that they don’t have value if they aren’t found in Jesus. The divided heart will struggle to grow, because Jesus always asks us to surrender ourselves to Him. Whoever wants to follow Him must leave everything behind and walk. 

When we have an open heart to Jesus, when it is cleaned by his blood and has no malice in it. His word will dwell in us, and grow and grow until the time for the harvest comes. 

In my rebellion I would still go to church and youth groups, listen to His word but after that I would forget it. I didn’t want to commit myself to Jesus. I have been saved, but thorns like my dreams and comfort zone where next to me. I had fear to step up because a didn’t want to fail. This limited me to have no roots, so anxiety came and it was a big part of me until I surrendered completely to Jesus. The HS convicted me from my old path and showed me His way, that Jesus is enough for a purposeful life. 

Doesn’t matter in which stage or situation our hearts are in, let us go the cross and feet of Jesus in humbleness and pour out all of us to Him. Knowing that the one who started the work will perfect it. 


Pray after worship, asking for a willing and humble heart to receive God’s word for today. 


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