Hebrews 11:6

While I was meditating of these verse, a humming bird came to my sight. It was flying really fast,
drawing close to a flower. This bird believes that the flower exists, and that it is going to get food
from it. 

That representation got me thinking, that this verse talks about a relationship. This relationship is 
established by faith between the members. In a dualistic view, both members (mostly) want to get
to know each other, start doing things to one another expecting to get them happy; safety is a huge
part to build a good relationship. Trust must be present so that relationship can continue, because when
you start to have doubts on the other member member, unreliability comes and then the relationship just 
can’t be healthy. 

Our relationship with Dad starts when we believe in Him. He, since the beginning of the creation, expected this
relationship with his sons and daughters. Our faith brings Him joy, because if there is faith.. the connection starts. 
My faith in Him started when I was 7 years old. Being a kid, things went well. My whole family (4 members) were
in the repentant and convicting phase. I grew up in church, but never committed to serve Him. For my teen years
I lived a “light” christianity, having faith for only certain circumstances. Mostly for asking materials things, or asking him
to open doors for certain opportunities. I did this, because I knew that He would help me if I believed in Him. But my faith should 
have been constant to build a good relationship with God. I started to trust in people’s opinions, my heart, and what the 
culture said; totally drawing me away from Dad. It wasn’t until I buried down my barriers and walls of obstinacy that 
I could really see His love with me, with my family, his care for every little detail, that made me think and believe 
that He is my way and truth. Faith relying on Him, knowing that He has everything under control. 

His blessings and rewards come with this Faith, he loves us and as a father he’ll take care and do what it is right for us. 


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