Isaiah 43:18

This past week I was feeling with myself disappointed. I had started the year and through January with the habit of waking up early to have a special time with the Lord and pray. As those days kept going I started to make it as a task in my check list. I was doing it because of the idea of it or just to do so, so I could prove something to God. My faith was on the ways to God, instead of actually seeking Him first into the ways. Myself was tired and desperate of the situation, but I still neglected myself to fix it. I knew I had to solve it in His presence opening my heart to Him, instead I pleased my flesh procrastinating and “resting”. Whenever I heard that Pastor Michael would come to Guatemala to do a presentation in a church of Guatemala City, I started to think in myself and see how things that I struggled in the past were starting to come back again to me. I had the thought of inviting my friends to the event, but again that fear of judgement or finger pointing started. How could I share to them the gospel if I am this or that? What could I share with them if I am so dry? The state of not being on fire started where I didn’t seek Him truly whenever ministry wasn’t going as expected. My heart grew cold towards my time here, and I started to miss my old life; not my sinful life but just school, friends, and family. It is amazing how the Lord never gives up on me, He stirred my heart into prayer and worship one night and He fixed all that was wrong in me. He fell afresh on my soul, and ignited my heart again; heart that I felt broken in both of our kids clubs teaching. Once more He confirms my purpose through these verses, and reminds me that He paid the price for my salvation, He made a new creature living in His spirit since I repented. The old me and flesh is dead, He is bringing something new to my life. There are so many things in ministry to come, but I need to trust Him. Without seeing the past, setting my eyes and faith in Christ because He has the power to make a way through my desert. His Spirit flowed in me that night, and gave me these verses. How faithful is Our God…

Pray for the list of things in ministry that He has to come...


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