Psalms 10:22

The mindset on how to make a living has been in my mind for a while ago. I grew up thinking that my life was going to be working and giving myself into a job to be able to have money and buy freedom. Seeing into buying very deeply, having assets are just to somehow get into a position of freedom and quality of time. But it seems that walking in that path it just becomes into a vicious circle, where slowly I can be drawn away from people around me and ending disappointed. The value of things need to change in my life. Life is not a monopoly game; in the end of this game all possessions and money goes back to the cardboard box. I won’t take anything from Earth when I die. Christ asks to whoever wants to be His disciple must forsake all that he has. Few weeks ago, I was focusing more into giving away and how would that leave me with “nothing” and thinking on what I needed to do to get back some of what I “lost”. In school I was taught about Maslow’s triangle of needs and looking through it, money just helps for the two basic steps: food, water, warmth, and security. Remembering some of the teachings from Paul to Timothy, he told him to be content with food and clothing. Everything else that we can use money for, is just extra and isn’t vital. Why should I worry about what I am going to wear or eat? When I have my Father and Creator who has loved before creation and has set a purpose for my life. He knows what that purpose takes and needs and He is not going to leave me alone. He sent Jesus to die for me, giving me a reason to live, living in Him were all that I do must be to adore and glorify Him having a relationship with our Father. His calling into ministry is a blessing to my life, that makes me rich, rich of His love, passion, joy, freedom in Him and amazing people around me. I must be dumb and blind if I would trade that for a job and earthly living. I heard from someone that the way that I remain alive after dying is in the memories people have of me. The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity of sowing seeds of His salvation and hope to kids and people around me. It is not my ministry it is His, I am just a channel. How amazing a memory of a person because He introduced Christ to them or exhorted, giving counsel and hearing. The greatest asset I can hold is His grace and salvation.  

Application: organize my money and set percentages for different purposes. 


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