John 14:21-23

Being in a relationship with God, is a two way thing. He is always first: the first one to love me, to look after me and to give His life for me. I only stand in a responding position to His love call. Some moments in my life I would meditate about how can I show the love I have for Him or which is my position in our relationship. To this day I have come to realize that a life without Him is not worthy in a bit, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that comes to my heart and gives me the knowledge. The understanding to His sacrifice and who He really is. He is a real person and as a person I can get to know Him with my senses. I can get to see His glory and feel His presence. Longing to one day, use my senses for what He created them, in heaven. A place that is not only my heritage and destination, but also my motivation. I won’t be able to enter if I live in my own will, rules and desires. Heaven is only available by Jesus, I don’t deserve it; but His love and grace are greater. Grace that by His spirit I can get to know His word and commandments, as He talks to my life I get more related to Him. In a way that He starts to change my heart, mind, thoughts and actions for His. It is a love answer to humble me and let Jesus be the one in me. That puts a cross on my shoulder, not thinking in me anymore but how to please my Father. He loves me that much that He will help me carry it side by side. 


Love the kids in summer camps as He commanded me. 


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