Genesis 3:21

I have found myself in shame whenever I fail Our Father. Sin doesn’t brings to me other than guiltless and deception to my life, pleasure can come with it but it vanishes really fast. The quick “happiness” doesn’t compare to the sadness that comes after. I can see their nakedness in my life as how fleshly and indifferent I can be towards Jesus’ sacrifice. Those “leaves” = lies and walls, are what I seek in my own will. Sometimes they can be when I try to cover me with whatever excuse, just trying to fool my mind to make me believe that it wasn’t that wrong or any reason that “approves” my attitude and actions. They reflect my own intentions to remind my life, how I seek my own will without accepting what really God has for me. Those times I don’t want to look after God, because I feel that He can’t see me in the condition that I am at that moment. Surely just lies from the enemy, God doesn’t likes sin but He loves me more than anything. I need to be reminded about this always. Are not my actions what justify me, it is His blood that sanctifies me. It is His purpose and love that stands after all, with Adam He had a purpose and after he sinned that didn’t change. Obviously it brought consequences and God lets he know about them, but He remained faithful and gave them skin garments. What this means to my life is that there are things in my life were even though that I sinned, the “leaves” I have put on myself won’t work for that purpose He has for me. He knows what I need “skin garments” to be able to fulfill His plans. This period of time has been of knowing what I had on me wasn’t what He wanted and to have faith to take them off and receive what He has for me. 


List of all my “leaves” and ask God to take them away and put on me His “skin garments”. 


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