
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017

John 14:21-23

Being in a relationship with God, is a two way thing. He is always first: the first one to love me, to look after me and to give His life for me. I only stand in a responding position to His love call. Some moments in my life I would meditate about how can I show the love I have for Him or which is my position in our relationship. To this day I have come to realize that a life without Him is not worthy in a bit, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that comes to my heart and gives me the knowledge. The understanding to His sacrifice and who He really is. He is a real person and as a person I can get to know Him with my senses. I can get to see His glory and feel His presence. Longing to one day, use my senses for what He created them, in heaven. A place that is not only my heritage and destination, but also my motivation. I won’t be able to enter if I live in my own will, rules and desires. Heaven is only available by Jesus, I don’t deserve it; but His love and grace are greater. Gr...

Hebrews 10:19

There are no excuses to come to Christ, He has already given everything He can for us. In my day to day, I sometimes think that a bad day is fixed with good days. Relying just in my efforts and strength, I can put Jesus to a side and making decisions out of my will and emotions. I need to know what is my uttermost end, is it to please Jesus or my flesh. I need to remind myself that following my flesh separates me from Him and stops the fellowship we have. It most be a daily surrendering and coming to His feet to give my burden and problems. In lately days, God has been showing me His grace and the value of His blood. During some months, I lived in His grace, but that took me into a mindset that the past victories were going to give me strength and that they lasted until today, nor even for the future. It pulled my sight on Jesus and placed it on me and how “good” I was doing. His love has drawn me closer, even though I have failed, He never surrenders on me. When I set my heart in God...

Proverbs 23:15-18

There is something I can do to make my Father rejoice, and that is to be wise. It will not only be for Him, but for me as well. Behave and live in righteousness is worthy for just one reason, God. I say what I say, and do what I do because of Him. My actions fall into the purpose of pursuing to please God. Wisdom has come to my life, as I have been seeking our Lord in all that I do. There are some decisions more easy than others, so as areas were I have more victory. Whenever temptation comes in those hard areas I still think about it, but it is only by His grace that I receive His strength. It is wise to look after Him first, than to decide for my own ways. My ways are foolish and imprudent rather than His, sometimes His ways might hurt or I could have no idea where I am going. Jesus has called me to follow Him, without mattering if I know where, what, how am I going to do what He wants, I just need to focus on following Him. If I try to go in front next to Him is much more difficult...

Genesis 3:21

I have found myself in shame whenever I fail Our Father. Sin doesn’t brings to me other than guiltless and deception to my life, pleasure can come with it but it vanishes really fast. The quick “happiness” doesn’t compare to the sadness that comes after. I can see their nakedness in my life as how fleshly and indifferent I can be towards Jesus’ sacrifice. Those “leaves” = lies and walls, are what I seek in my own will. Sometimes they can be when I try to cover me with whatever excuse, just trying to fool my mind to make me believe that it wasn’t that wrong or any reason that “approves” my attitude and actions. They reflect my own intentions to remind my life, how I seek my own will without accepting what really God has for me. Those times I don’t want to look after God, because I feel that He can’t see me in the condition that I am at that moment. Surely just lies from the enemy, God doesn’t likes sin but He loves me more than anything. I need to be reminded about this always. Are not...