Philippians 3:10

Having empathy with Christ in His death is to really know His heart. He came for one and only purpose:  die upon the cross. All He did during His life was looking forward at the crucifixion. Most of the times we focus on the wood but not in Him. How was He feeling? I can’t see nothing else but love. This is what has been heating myself lately. Until I knew the truth of Him and His sacrifice I was able to be set free. I was born again and He has given me victory knowing that my sin and sinful nature was crucified too. There wasn’t power even close in my strength to beat my sin, but I learned to rely in Him. With my trust resting upon His hands everything just falls into its place. How can’t I rely in someone who gave His life even though I wasn’t worthy? It is His love that calls me and surrounds me in every small detail of my life. 

Life which is not mine anymore; I had enough years of only myself. This led me to failures and disappointments. My purpose and meaning was only found in Jesus. My life is now His life. It is required that I die to myself and become a living man in a decaying body. The spirit and flesh in me will always battle, but as my flesh diminishes my spirit increases and grows stronger. 

One of the main reasons I didn’t want to follow Jesus completely was because I cared too much about what my friends would say of me. This reminds me of how Jesus had to tolerate and stand all the blasphemy of blind and unbelievers. Even His own people rejected Him, but He continued doing our Father’s will. He encourages me to follow and to set my eyes in Him, knowing that even though I could lose my family or friends, He is waiting with His arms wide open and love for me.


Don’t respond wrong when someone says something I don’t like. 


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