
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017

Mark 1:35

I never had the habit of reading God’s word. I would only read it in my youth group and Sunday church service. It wasn’t even a relationship with Him because I wouldn’t seek Him through out my week or have my prayers. This made my life to be so cold and indifferent to Jesus. I haven’t known who He really was until I came to IGNITE and started to read His word. It is through the bible that God speaks to us and talks to our lives.  The will to know Him more and have more knowledge about Him to bless more people has moved me to set aside things I wanted or liked. Sacrifices for Jesus are worth it. Having less hours of sleep for having more hours in His presence are worth it.  It is important to seek Him in a place without distractions, where our only focus is God and not ourselves or things about the day. Being in Antigua has helped me to seek for this places. Where God wants to meet us, because He has something important to say to us, but it is our decision if we want t...

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Paul helps us to redirect ourselves if we have been driven our actions into vanity. I was a guy who at the end of my life wanted to earn both crowns: corruptible and incorruptible. Trying to gain my own life I was loosing my incorruptible crown. Looking after my dreams and desires draw me to be careless of what is really important: heavenly things. Although in my race, my life, the battle was hard in both areas: I was failing.  Getting to know who really Jesus is, I found out that I was taking more laps and making longer turns that would made the race harder. My own burden was heavier, and it was tiring me. He took it, releasing me from fear and anxiety. The truth of His salvation set me free. The old me and sinful nature is crucified and dead, but now I live in Jesus. It is for Him and for His love that all that I do is to please Him. He gave it all to me, and my answer towards His sacrifice is a surrendered life. It has been the best decision. He cleaned my heart of every so...

1 Timothy 4:8

I am in a process in which I am trying to take as loss all the things I cared for before. Sports where a big part of my life. For a moment was an escape from school and other problems. It made me feel good and was driving myself to strive for more. In a certain point training and competing made me focus more and more in myself. In a certain way doing exercise helps my physique, which makes me want to look better so that others would see me.  Knowing Christ and people in streets, there is a huge urgency for salvation. Salvation for which God has commanded us to go and share with everyone. The more we are close to God and the more we know His word greater blessing we can be to others. Training took several hours a day and made feel tired at the end of it. If I could spend that time with God, reading, or sharing with others with mercy is far way better. In heaven we are not going to have this body of ours, it is in vane for us to care so much for it. Although I believe that this ...

Philippians 3:12-13

Life is a process and walking with Jesus too. He is always working something in us and through us. He has processes to prepare us for what comes next and after. But we need to recognize our condition, only God is perfect. Sometimes we only think of it as a checklist of task to be done and when is attained we feel victory and take a break. God wants to takes us from glory to glory, He is not going to stop.  He reached out to us for a purpose, we have work to do. In Him we can find purpose and meaning, most of the time we won’t know what it is in the first time; but, we need to continue walking in faith. Behaving and working to reach what He wants. Being honest with ourselves is necessary, there shouldn’t be any pride in our life. Even though God has used us and blessed us means that we have already passed the goal. The goal is in heaven. And this is what I didn’t understand, most of the times I would weary myself working for things here in Earth, and didn’t think in what is ete...

Philippians 3:11

We all have eternal life, just that we can have it in heaven or hell. It depends in our decisions and actions, God is clear in His commands and on what He expects from us. The consequence of sin is death, but Christ came to give us salvation and reunite us to our Father. Salvation is the best gift someone could ever receive, but if we don’t understand its meaning we wouldn’t give its respective value.  Salvation requires of repentance not only praying for receiving Christ into our hearts. People could be misunderstood in that, when they get to know Christ they need to have a 180º change of their old path. Our ways are not His ways, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; we only find life in Him. Our sin condemned us, but His grace saves us.  We long for that moment in which Jesus will come for us, are we going to be ready? Jesus is the gate for heaven and for eternal life, there is no other way. I would only think that I had my salvation and that it permitted me t...

Philippians 3:10

Having empathy with Christ in His death is to really know His heart. He came for one and only purpose:  die upon the cross. All He did during His life was looking forward at the crucifixion. Most of the times we focus on the wood but not in Him. How was He feeling? I can’t see nothing else but love. This is what has been heating myself lately. Until I knew the truth of Him and His sacrifice I was able to be set free. I was born again and He has given me victory knowing that my sin and sinful nature was crucified too. There wasn’t power even close in my strength to beat my sin, but I learned to rely in Him. With my trust resting upon His hands everything just falls into its place. How can’t I rely in someone who gave His life even though I wasn’t worthy? It is His love that calls me and surrounds me in every small detail of my life.  Life which is not mine anymore; I had enough years of only myself. This led me to failures and disappointments. My purpose and meaning was on...

Philippians 3:9

There is nothing I could ever do in this world that would made me just or righteous. My sin and iniquity made me worth an eternal death, but His love gave me salvation and eternal life upon the cross. The price for salvation is too high that it can only be received free. Freely given by Jesus, He only requires from us faith and repentance. He has another gift from this, it is His grace.  God doesn’t sees me anymore as a sinner, but as His son through Jesus. It is only with Jesus that I can reach my Father God. His blood erases my judgment and makes me to be able to have a relationship. It doesn’t mean that I won’t fail and sin through times, it happens every day and it is not sin what matters; but what we do after we sin, does. His sacrifice on the cross is not only for my past sins, but also for the ones I am going to make in the future. His blood never rans out, His forgiveness never expires.  I need to understand that I am going to fail, but in all times He is goin...

Philippians 3:8

All my life, before three months ago, I gave earthly things more value than God. It was based on my dreams and desires, without wanting His will in it. Looking to have God for my own purposes, instead of me living for Him. Living for my own sake took me to several failures and disappointments, for finally surrendering myself to Jesus. His love showed me that I had purpose and meaning in this earth, but it is only going to happen in His hands and ways, not in mine.  I never had the habit of reading His word, and now reading it; has opened my eyes and been light to my path. Now I know who He really is, and this makes me want to know Him more and have a closer relationship. The scriptures confront my acts and thoughts, making me surrender my life every day. Before it was a burden to do that, now is a desire to give up myself for Him because I want to please Him and because I can’t in my own strength.  His fire ignites my heart in a way that what I used to give importance...

John 15:15

Jesus said that there is no greater love to friends than to lay down our lives for them. He was the first one to show us that, He is true the best friend we can ever have. How great can it be for us that we are further than servants in the kingdom of our God. He wants a real relationship with us, one that He can trust us and show us His mysteries and knowledge. Before, I wasn’t even His servant, I just received His salvation and love; but,  didn’t live as a new born in Him. To be able to called His friend, I must accomplish and do what He has said me to. Sometimes I obeyed Him, but it didn’t last long. For a period of time I felt guilt for my sin and that I wasn’t worthy of Him anymore. He shows me every day that doesn’t matter what I do or try, I’ll never be worthy of His love and sacrifice. It is His grace that makes me want to be better and to be like Him. It moves me to do what He has called me to, and to share that love with others. As I keep in His word and make it real in m...