John 15:15

Jesus said that there is no greater love to friends than to lay down our lives for them. He was the first one to show us that, He is true the best friend we can ever have. How great can it be for us that we are further than servants in the kingdom of our God. He wants a real relationship with us, one that He can trust us and show us His mysteries and knowledge. Before, I wasn’t even His servant, I just received His salvation and love; but,  didn’t live as a new born in Him. To be able to called His friend, I must accomplish and do what He has said me to. Sometimes I obeyed Him, but it didn’t last long. For a period of time I felt guilt for my sin and that I wasn’t worthy of Him anymore. He shows me every day that doesn’t matter what I do or try, I’ll never be worthy of His love and sacrifice. It is His grace that makes me want to be better and to be like Him. It moves me to do what He has called me to, and to share that love with others. As I keep in His word and make it real in me every day, our relationship grows stronger and intimate. There would be times were I don’t understand something of His word, but I believe that He needs to trust me. I need to earn that trust, just as in every relationship. It is a process and even though I could fail Him with my emotions and actions, His grace will always be enough and will call me: “Son, I love you; know that I am.”


Call Jesus my friend in my prayers.


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