Romans 15:1

All who are followers of Jesus Christ are part of His body. God has given us certain gifts and a specific calling to us. We must work together and make sure that each member is find and doing well. When a part is weak, other parts should help and support it. Just as our body functions with its organs. 

Being selfish has being difficult when the time to help someone else comes. I would only care for my own condition. But God worked this in me, last year. I went to a extreme personal character challenge, we were sent to the wilderness and be walking, camping and learning from God. Every person was assigned to a team, a team that needed to be our family. I learned that I can’t leave my family behind, we leave together and we arrive together. There were times were some of the teammates didn’t have any strength left and with help of others we would carry their backpack. Also some would need to stop and rest, so we would wait for them too. I got tired too, and all I did was is to ask for His strength. It was then when I knew that life is not about me, but about Him; that loving others with my strength would burn out easily, but that in His  strength can endure. 

For a long period of time I would always prefer to go alone and to my stuff, but when a turn and see my surroundings I wouldn’t find no one. During my time in Ignite I have found out how wonderful is to have a team. As I help them, they also help me; and then we can see the wonderful work that God did. He taught me that there will be someone stronger than me and someone weaker. As I am strengthen I can strength someone else.


Help my teammates with Spanish. 


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