Philippians 4:11

Someway.. somehow Paul learned to live every situation or circumstance in His life satisfied. I believe it starts by recognizing that we do no need anything. All we need is God, God is our Father and we are His sons. How shall He won’t look after us? 

God can’t be second place or be in another one that is not first place in our lives and hearts. If He is not the first one, we are telling Him that there is something much more important or better, we depend more in that other things than in God. We won’t see Him act fully while that condition continues, He is were we completely depend on Him. When we are thankful today for what we have and live; when we surrender our dreams, desires, families; when we give Him from our (sustento). Then He is the answers to our needs and gives us joy and peace.

I still have a hard time finding myself satisfied every time; sometimes I would be sitting on the table and be mad because I don’t like the meal that was served while there are millions of people who are dying from hunger. Other times I would be mad because my favorite shirt got stained, or could also be that when I have money I wasted it in things that only were for my own sake. I pray that God changes my materialistic heart into one of joy and gratefulness. For also of a life surrendered to Him and for a feet willing to follow whatever He calls me to do. 


Thank God for every meal and see it as the most wonderful thing I have ever tasted, don’t complain for the line or what type of food it is. 


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