Ephesians 5:21

To fear God is to acknowledge Him in everything we think, do or say. When we know who He is, we take care of our conduct because we want to be pleasant to Him. Sometimes we forget His fear when it comes to relationships. When we only focus in ourselves and loving Him, we will get tired. There is nothing we can do to love Him as He loves us. Trying to do so will consume ourselves in desperation and deception. We can’t love others with emptiness. Our hearts need to know that His love is sufficient. God loves us first, and his love won’t fade away if we don’t love Him back. He can’t deny himself, for he is love. Receiving His love is the only way to be able to love Him and love others. 

When we love with His love, we stop seeing: at ourselves, at excuses, problems or situations. Seeing people as God sees them: their own creation; helps to know that we are treating a child of Him too. If there is King and we see his children, I believe we would be respectful and find a way to treat Him nicely. The people around us are sons of the King of Kings. Let there be humbleness in our hearts and an attitude of service towards them. We are not in this world to be served, but to serve others. His grace is enough, if He pardoned us, we can pardon everyone else.


Give a hug to the male classmate I least talk to in class. 


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