2 corint 1:12

In our daily lives, we have something in us called consciousness. This consciousness will be present in everything that we do, say or think. If we think more about  it, without consciousness we are not in this world; it is the bridge between our soul and external life. Its status will depend of all the activities we have done. A good conduct will give us peace, otherwise anxiety and fear will be found in our hearts. 

When we come to Christ, we receive a new life. Life that needs to be surrendered to Him only, denying to ourselves. Temptation will come but our sinful nature has changed to a spiritual nature. 

There will always be eyes fixed in our public life. We are a screen of Jesus for all the people out there, that is why our actions and path must be in Him. The probability of being a rock of stumble for someone else exists, therefore we should walk with patience and love to others. 

We ourselves can’t be holy, but it is through God that we can. He calls us to be holy (Ephi 1:4 - Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.) This is to be sanctified, pour everything of us in His hands letting His blood clean us constantly. Our human behavior is left behind, now we walk in his grace. Grace that redeemed us from sin and guilt. 
Receiving Heavenly wisdom from our Father will build a correct consciousness for a right conduct in our life. 


On the mountain sanctified ourselves to Him, ask for wisdom and let him investigate my lately conduct to see what I need to correct and improve. 


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