Matthew 8:9-10
By the time that the centurion encountered Jesus, Jesus had already started to be known for making miracles. The news were spreading, and fast. For sure, the centurion knew about Him. and somehow, could figure out that Jesus is Lord, and King.
The centurion for being a soldier knew how commands and authority worked. When you are in authority you expect that whoever is below you will attend to you. Jesus has authority of this world, surely the centurion knew that a word of Jesus was all he needed. And so it was, it happened.
There can be two perspectives for Jesus, some could have seen Him like a simple man, others could recognize who he really is (Just as Peter did: now you are the Christ the son of God). Lets think for a while, if there is a person that can heal the wounded, give vision to blind, cleans leprocy, etc. Easily can come to our minds that this person has powers and that for any reason nature responds to his voice. Now we have the help of the HS (1 cor 12:3 - therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the spirit of God says “Jesus is accursed”; and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord”, except by the Holy Spirit)
For me, most of the times I have let things like: anxiety and fear have authority in my life; things that later will start to dictate my behavior, feelings, and thoughts. This has allowed to stop myself of achieving goals. If I could only respect and give Jesus the authority and place in my life as the centurion did, my life would be different. For He one day can be as a million years, and million years be as one day; I would have saved so many days of frustration and sadness. Just if I had relied my Faith in Him, and asked for his voice to speak and hear what I needed.
Walk everyday until friday, praying God that my faith is in Him, telling Him my situation and asking Him to speak. I really need to learn to hear his voice.
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