2 Samuel 11:11-13

When the soldiers went to war, their families weren’t sure if they were going to be able to see them again back in home. If they die they left wives, kids, houses, etc. Surely everyone who has no conviction would like to come back from war before time and be able to be at home. When you know where you are called and what you should be doing, there shouldn’t be anything else that could move you apart from it. David tempted the flesh of Urias, but He only accepted what the King invited him. How can Urias only accept food and drink, but not going to his house? Maybe he knew himself very well, food and drinks won’t move him away from the call; but, maybe going to his home would made him wanting to stay and not allowing him to go back to war. He also had respect for his brethren soldiers. He knew that it wasn’t fair that they were fighting while he was enjoying family at home. 

How often I don’t set myself into a total commitment, just looking for a chance to stop on whatever I am serving at and look for rest or have fun. For me is really hard to be a servant, most of the time I think of myself or just don’t have my heart for it when I am thinking in others things that I need to do. I have a calling this time to be in IGNITE; but still I haven’t given my 100%. It is servanthood my weakness, I can do homework, be neat and ordered with myself. But when it comes to be like that with someone else, I am not aware of it. As Urias, I need to know that I am called to be a MAN. A man who knows its weaknesses and strengths. I don’t want to receive the temptation in that weakness and be found falling. The call makes me move and look for scape or just makes me say “NO” as Urias. I need to respect my brothers and sisters, we always try to look for the chance in which we can benefit more ourselves. That is completely pride, why should I deserve more? We are all servants, and all of us should follow equally the same rules. For me it has been a struggle using my data, while others don’t have. God has convicted me of that sin, and it is for love to God and them that I don’t want to do that. 


Make a list of simple details I can do to serve others. 


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