Colossians 1:11

As we accept His salvation, we don’t live any more in our flesh but in His Spirit. Still we are in these mortal body; body that gets tired, sick and hurt. Although the past sinful nature died in the cross with Jesus. Our sinning body lost his power, now we are free of sin and free to live for Him. His spirit will help us keep killing our flesh. Flesh’ll be always present in our lives, but in Him we can have victory. 

We need the spirit always, because in any moment our days can change. When we walk through our lives,  the only way we can get more of the spirit, is pouring what He has given to us in others. Then when we are empty we can ask Him to fill us more. Doesn’t matter our situation or in which moment, He wants to fill us now, because He knows that we need him to keep going. 

If the spirit in me diminishes, my flesh increases. It is an inverse relation, because the spirit can’t be where there is sin: when His spirit is strong my flesh is weak; when my flesh is strong the spirit is weak. Not having the spirit through rough situations and temptation, we are going to be fighting with our strength. Humanly strength, that is weak and gives up easily. Doesn’t matter if we are pastors, prophets, good athletes, or whatever we are; we all need to be filled with His spirit and strength. Even knowing that through time we built tolerance, we still have flesh and that could tear us apart. 

There where several moments in my life that I could have avoided sin and wrong decisions,  but I fought with my strength. I forgot that I had an almighty Father, who loves me and wants me to have faith in him. Now knowing the truth that my sinful nature died in the cross, helps me remind that I don’t need sin anymore, I am not made for that. I am in His spirit and His spirit is in me. 

List of at least 5 weaknesses in me.


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