Mark 10:47-49

Jesus was being followed by a multitude of people while He was exiting the city. Bartimeo needed to recognize Jesus’s voice. In life there will always be other voices besides Jesus. People’s opinions, devil’s tramps and circumstances will come into our ears, but is us who decides to which voice listen to. The HS is able to guide us and give us discerning. We shall not go for the first voice we hear, patience and faith are needed for this. 

I believe Bartimeo received his vision back because he was in the correct location and correct moment. We need to seek the Lord daily, it is a relationship. Our part must be done,  all that we are able and capable of: move, pray, walk, or whatever is needed; but to be there only waiting for Jesus to appear. Just as Bartimeo did, he shouted and shouted for Jesus.

We must be realistic, the path seeking and waiting for Him will be full of opposition. The crowd was against Bartimeo, they didn’t want him to meet Jesus. People will be angry or envious trying to keep us down. The devil will do whatever he cans to prevent us to reach out for help, because he knows that in Jesus we can find life and salvation. We shouldn’t stop to look for Him with hope, because in  because He is already and in any moment be calling us. Then we need to correspond to Him. It’s necessary that when we ask Jesus for something, we really know what we need. It would be a bad idea that Jesus comes and we have no idea. 


Pray in “the mountain” for vision in things that I need to improve and change. 


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